Reaching out to others is part of our mission at Trinity. The congregation helps to meet the community’s nutritional and diaper needs and provides support groups with a meeting place.
In recognition of these efforts, the Episcopal Church designated Trinity as a Jubilee Ministry Center in January 2015. There are more than 600 centers across the U.S. that empower the poor and oppressed in local communities by providing direct services and advocating for human rights.
Friday Lunch
Trinity serves lunch every Friday, except in August, from 10:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. with the support of congregants and community volunteers. The program helps those in need of a nutritious, hot meal and an opportunity for fellowship. It was founded in November 1995 as the Trinity Soup Kitchen.

Donations from congregants, community members and local organizations cover the cost of lunch. If you wish to help, leave a check in the collection plate at services or mail it to the church office. New volunteers are always welcome.
Food Pantry
The Trinity Food Pantry began as a seasonal outreach, providing holiday meals to the hungry at Thanksgiving and Christmas, and was expanded to serve the community weekly. Food is distributed on the first Saturday of each month and on Thursdays the rest of the month, starting at 10 a.m.
Members of the church and groups throughout the local community provide donations. The Food Pantry can always use staple items for distribution to those in need and welcomes all contributions.
Diaper Bank
Our Diaper Bank is designed to help families with young children meet their basic needs. Adult diapers are also available. This ministry operates through a partnership with the Community FoodBank of New Jersey.
Diapers are distributed as available to registered families once a month. Families can contact the church office and leave a message to sign up. We reach out for intake information and call eligible families with a date for distribution. In most cases, families have to pick up diapers in person.
Support Groups
Trinity hosts two Alcoholics Anonymous sessions weekly. For details on times and locations of meetings, check the calendar or contact the church office.