Trinity Church has two types of members, confirmed and baptized. Confirmed members have completed confirmation in the Episcopal Church or have been received into the church after confirmation in the Roman Catholic, Orthodox, and Lutheran traditions. Baptized members have gone through a Christian baptism without yet being confirmed.
If you are an Episcopalian, you may join Trinity by having a Letter of Transfer sent from the most recent parish where you were a member. You will become a confirmed or baptized member, depending on your background.
If you were baptized in a different faith tradition, you may register as a baptized member by providing contact information to the church office. Registration will ensure that you receive details about events and activities.
If you want to become an Episcopalian and formalize your membership by being confirmed or received, please contact the office. Adult confirmation and reception classes are held in preparation for confirmation services, led by the Diocesan Bishop and held at Trinity or Trenton’s Trinity Cathedral.
If you wish to be baptized as an adult, please contact the office. Trinity requires a period of study and spiritual preparation for adult baptisms.
Any member of Trinity Church may take part in ministries and may also serve in leadership capacities as appropriate. The Bishop’s Committee and other ministries are restricted to confirmed members.
All who consider Trinity as their spiritual home and attend regularly may request a pastoral appointment to talk about faith and life issues.
Members are encouraged to contact the office when staying in the hospital, seeking prayers for loved ones, or dealing with a death in the family. If notified, a minister will take Holy Communion to anyone who is ill or in the hospital.
You may request that your name or the name of a loved one be included in the weekly prayers of the people. Requests can be made by telephone or e-mail. The prayer list is prepared on Friday, so requests submitted after Friday will be added the following week. You are invited to add your prayer requests either aloud or silently at weekend services.
Children are admitted to Holy Communion at the time of their baptism. We encourage parents to bring their children to receive Communion regularly to underline their full participation in the life of the church.
Those who see Trinity as their spiritual home are asked to be regular in worship, to pray for the church’s people and ministries, to provide financial support, and to consider being involved in one or more ministries.
Members are encouraged to practice stewardship, or giving of time, talent and treasure to help the church fulfill its mission. This includes making an annual pledge, which helps the Bishop’s Committee plan for revenue and spending. The Stewardship Committee holds a pledge drive each fall. Everyone is asked to consider giving a percentage of monthly income.
Life Events
Baptisms are available for active members of the congregation and their families. All other baptisms are conducted at the clergy’s discretion.
Weddings are reserved to members who have been attending Trinity regularly. Preparation for this sacrament includes premarital counseling with the clergy, and may also include other classes and/or counseling.
Funerals are normally reserved to members as well, though there are exceptions. Trinity has performed funerals for members of a congregant’s immediate family who were without their own faith community. Trinity has also hosted funerals on occasion for Episcopalians who, because of special circumstances, had no other place for them.
As part of the Diocese of New Jersey, Trinity is bound by canons that apply to baptisms, weddings and funerals. We also have local policies for these services. Information sheets are available from the office.