
Regular Schedule

Trinity alternates between the Holy Eucharist and Morning Prayer at 10 a.m. on Sundays. This schedule reflects Father Freddie’s role as priest-in-charge at Trinity and St. James Church, 2136 Woodbridge Ave.,  Edison. (Click here for a St. James map.) 

The Eucharist is only celebrated on Sundays when Father Freddie is available. Morning Prayer is lay-led and includes his sermon, which is pre-recorded. Hymns at all services are also pre-recorded, as Trinity currently doesn’t have an organist and choir director.

All services at Trinity are in-person only. St. James streams services on Zoom. The link is included in our weekly newsletter, This Week at Trinity. Other Episcopal congregations broadcast services on YouTube, including St. Luke’s in Metuchen and Trinity Cathedral in Trenton.

Holy Communion

Trinity offers the Eucharist in accordance with Rite II of the Book of Common Prayer. All visitors who are baptized Christians are encouraged to receive the Eucharist, regardless of their faith tradition. We are called upon to repent our sins and to approach Holy Communion as an expression of the real presence of Jesus Christ.

Prayer List

Intercessory prayers for the sick and suffering are offered at all Sunday services. If you are a congregant and want to include someone on the list, contact the Church Office.

Coffee Hour

Get-togethers with coffee, tea and treats are held every Sunday after the 10 a.m. service from September through June. Informal gatherings with iced tea and lemonade take place in July and August. They provide an opportunity to welcome visitors and newcomers and to share experiences.

Sunday School

Classes for children are held on the first Sunday of each month, starting at 9 a.m., in the Parish House. The classes conclude before the 10 a.m. service, which allows students to participate fully in the life of the church. If you wish to enroll your child, please contact Robin Vitale.